Monday, July 11, 2011

Fighting with fears and phobias

The way Pakistani people have been raised and brought up is different than the west. During the childhood years, kids are afraid of being scold by their parents for doing minor mistakes. The outcome is that they hardly experiment new things because they are not appreciated for bringing creative ideas. Even in the schools, there is no any proper learning system for these children where they can explore new things, create new ideas and where they are given space for learning on their own. They are just forced to read their course books, ratify the notes and follow the homework deadlines. When a child returns home, he is again pressurized to complete his homework and study to secure position among others. I don't understand why in our society position holder students have been treated extraordinary and an average student is being dejected. We need to understand that every child is different. Some are academically strong, some are good at sports, some love arts, some love music and some like doing new experiments. You have to treat each of them equally and appreciate for what they are doing. Give them their space to grow and you will ultimately realize that they have talent in subject of their own interest. Unfortunately, we as parents do not allow them to grow according to their wishes and brainwash them to act according to our instructions. When they grow up they become professional doctors and engineers, hold good labels and posts but they actually do not enjoy their work due to which they become frustrated and unhappy. It is more important that they enjoy what they do and only then they become more successful. Alas! many of them are not working according to their choices and many don't know about their interests. They are just going with the flow and pursuing their career without knowing their destination. We cannot blame solely on our parents but actually the system of our society needs to be changed.

I think parents should motivate their kids to do every kind of activities rather than focusing only on their studies. Kids should be encouraged to attend summer camps, computer programs, sports activities along with studies. In schools, there should be credits for extra curricular activities and teachers should observe the child's interest individually. 

The other crucial factor which become an obstacle in our way of success is "FEAR". Parents should not scold their kids for doing minor mistakes because the fear of doing mistakes makes man dastard and he could not be successful and this will remain in his personality for the rest of his life. A person could only be successful when he commits mistakes and learns from them. But fear in advance of doing mistakes make person stagnant. We should focus on changing our schooling system in a better way  and then we will find our new generation more courageous, bravado, and strong.

Love God, Love humanity, Love yourself.

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