Thursday, June 9, 2011

Air Abrasion

Many people avoid going to a dentist because they had at least one very painful procedure in the past and after that they start believing all dental procedures are painful.
Air abrasion technology is advantageous for those who hate dental drills and needles. It is primarily used to treat small to medium sized cavities, preparing teeth for dental sealants and also for removing stains on teeth. It is ideal for placement of composite fillings ( white resin fillings).
How It works?
Air abrasion works by blowing 27 micron aluminium oxide powder using compressed air through very fine tips. Some devices add water to the powder stream ( hydro abrasion). When powder stream hits the tooth if removes the surface it is pointing at in a very gentle and efficient way. The concept of air abrasion originates decades ago but only recently has advances in technology.

Air abrasion is a conservative nature of procedure where only small amount of tooth is removed at a time. No need of anaesthesia and patients like the near absence of voice and vibration. All that is left after treatment is small residue of powder that can be suctioned later or it can be prevented using rubber dam. It is ideal treatment for anxious patients and small children.

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